We had a miracle with finding our friend Paula this week! We finally found the neighborhood in our area that has all the people out walking in it haha so we were street contacting there, and talked to this lady for like 10 minutes, walking with her on her route. This led us about 1/2 a mile away from our car, which is where we ran into Paula! She told us she's been looking for a church to go to, and none of the ones she's been to have felt right for her. We taught her the restoration this week and it was so fire! I am so so grateful for every opportunity I get to teach recently. They don't come as often here, but it's what brings me the most joy, so I always soak it up when I get the opportunity to testify of Christ :,)
Sister Downard and I are besties!! She's such a fire missionary already and we work so well together. We're always laughing and making things fun- this week we found a free *mini* ping pong/pool/shuffleboard/ airhockey table on the side of the road, so naturally we put it in the back of our car on the way to our member dinner lol
I'm SO pumped for general conference this week! We get to watch some of it with our friend Benson at the trailer/visitors center they have for the YL temple site. I've gotten to watch general conference at the MTC, the Mormon Battalion, a church building, and now on the dedicated ground of a new temple! So lucky to be on holy ground!! If you arent planning on watching general conference... what are you doing?? If you are watching it, make it the best general conference ever! I invite you to think of a question you want answered, and to listen & take notes on what the spirit prompts you more than what the speakers say. I know that's totally changed the way I receive revelation while listening to our inspired leaders!
Love you all, have a fantastic week!!

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