Couple quick updates because I haven't sent an email in a few weeks:
- we found so many people to teach!! It's so so gratifying to see a teaching pool build up over time and I've been so grateful for more experiences to teach and testify!
- We talked to this couple at the park and asked for their names. The girlfriend said "Alma.. it's in your book right?" Lol kinda blew our minds for a sec haha it turns out she's a member from Mexico who is super ready to come back to the church, and wants her boyfriend and their kids to all come with her!! Big miracle <3
- We also tracted a bunch more the last few weeks, and that led us to Leslie! She is the sweetest little girl who has lots of big questions that the gospel answers. Seeing the light in her eyes when we taught her about the Book of Mormon and about Christ's Atonement was so magical. She really cares deeply, more than most kids would, and she's so in tune with the spirit! She will be my last lesson as a full-time missionary this week!!
Sooo today is my last pday!! My parents will be picking me up from California this Friday

It still feels super surreal that this is my last week as a missionary. There's no way I could sum up (almost) 19 months in an email, but I just wanted to leave you with my testimony:)

I know that Jesus Christ lives. I love Him more than anything. I know that He loves us infinitely more than we can comprehend, because He dedicated His entire life to helping us overcome, and succeed, and have joy! All things are possible through Christ. I've seen Him work so many miracles in my life - I've seen Him change my heart. I've had the privilege of bearing Christ's name in a more literal way the last year and a half, but these experiences I've had with Him have allowed Him to write His name permanently on my heart. I know He leads and guides this church today, and that we have the blessing of ongoing restoration and revelation. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, and I know that because it never fails to answer all my questions and help me come to know Christ better. I know that our loving Heavenly Father has a loving plan for each of us, and that we have a limitless potential in His eyes. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the way to reach that potential. It is so merciful and grand. We truly do have a Savior who loves and understands us so deeply. He beckons to us, always.
I have loved my mission so much. My experiences coming to know Christ and becoming more like Him are scattered all throughout Southern California, and it will always have a special place in my heart. I love this gospel and I love sharing it. Nothing brings me more joy:,)
I love you all! Thank you for your support and the part you've played in making me who I am
I don't have info for my homecoming talk yet, but it will probably be November 12 in Mesa!! If you're a missionary and still send emails, put me on your list pls:)

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