This week was jammed packed with cool stuff, tons of mission memories!!
- We got to hear from an apostle!! We had Elder Gary E. Stevenson come and speak to our whole mission, and he took the time to personally shake all of our hands. It was incredible
- Cheryl got baptized!!! It was a beautiful day, I'm so happy for her :,) I loved getting to see the light in her brighten as we taught her. She's one of the happiest people I know, I love her sm
- We got hit by a hurricane and an earthquake in the same day! We really only got a little rain and some wind, and I didn't feel the earthquake much, but STILL it's kinda fun to say!
- we had some miracles finding some cool people this week! We ended up having to pass them both off to other missionaries, but I feel like those experiences were exactly what I needed to have the motivation to keep working hard to see the miracles that I know are waiting in our area!
- Went on exchanges with Sister Harding, she's a beast and is just the kind of person that you love being around. We both were tender mercies in each other's lives in training in HB, and it was so fun to spend the day together. Dreams do come true!
I feel like I just received so many love notes from God this week. He is so aware of me and everything that means something to me/makes me happy. I know He loves me and He loves you. Our mission president gave us a challenge to study our patriarchal blessing once a week, and I want to extend that same challenge to you! It's really helped me remember my divine worth and potential and face the storms of life with greater certainty and faith :)

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