Hey everyone!! I hope you're all having a good week :) My week was so good!
About half of our sisters have been quarantined at some point this week, so we've had to do a little more than normal, at least while on shift at the mobat. We've had a busy weekend, but it's been good! I love when lots of people get to take tours
Last night we had so much fun for the fourth of July! We closed the Battalion a little early and we had some food, played corn hole and frisbee, had a talent/untalent show, danced the Virginia Reel, and watched fireworks from the roof! I'm so lucky to be with so many fun people and to be in a place with such nice weather!!
I want to try something new, so bear with me. Something we talk about a lot in preach my gospel is reading scriptures with the people we teach. Since I'm not teaching anyone right now, I wanted to try reading scriptures with you all! If this works I might make it a regular thing haha we'll see.
So for some context for this verse; Alma the younger, in his youth, went about tearing down the church and leading people away, but he had a humbling experience and he turned his life around. He became a great missionary and leader, and toward the end of his faithful life, he gave this counsel to his son, Helaman:
Alma 36:27 And I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind, yea, and in all manner of afflictions; yea, God has delivered me from prison, and from bonds, and from death; yea, and I do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me.
I love Alma's testimony of God's hand in his life. He has total confidence and trust in God, because He's been supporting him all his life. How have you seen God's hand supporting you and delivering you? How can you trust in Him more fully moving forward? I have seen personally how much God cares about what I care about, and it's so comforting to know that whenever I need His help, He is just a prayer away. TRUST IN HIM!!
Have a good week everyone, remember the Lord is on your side and He has so many blessings in store for you if you just ask :)

Mis compas 

O apartments after our near death experience 

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