Hey everyone! Sending this out a little late because we had a field trip on our p day so now I get p day time instead! We went to a few different places the Battalion went at the end of their march, including Presidio and Fort Stockton, Cabrillo national monument, the Old Town courthouse replica, and a couple of cool cemeteries where some members of the Mormon Battalion are buried.
I gave my 100th tour this week!! I didn't realize it until after but it was a young men's group that was super fun!
This week we had our first referral!! We don't get to teach lessons or visit people in this mission, BUT we got to visit a lady who is within our ward boundaries because she wanted a visit from sisters and we're the only ones in that ward right now! We had a whole message prepared to share with her and we were so excited, but basically what she really wanted was a friend. So we just listened to her talk about her life story and her crazy relationship haha. I was super impressed by her faith in Christ, even though it isn't within the bounds of our church's faith anymore. We didn't really share a message with her like we had planned, but I think we brought some light to her and we hope that she can find peace in her life.
I dyed my hair back to brown this week
shout out to Sister Sermon for helping me, she's the bomb

We made a comp goal to talk to people more after our tours and we've been praying for people who will be receptive to our message to come in. We've had a ton of super cool conversations this past week with people from our tours and we got to give out 4 copies of the Book of Mormon, including one in Greek and one in German! The Lord cares about what we care about :)
I love seeing how much my missionary service is changing me and teaching me. I still have a lot to figure out but I know that the Lord will provide me with exactly the experiences I need to help me become the person He needs me to be.
Have a good week! Love you all!

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