Tuesday, July 19, 2022

First week as a mom - Mormon Battalion Historic Site

Hey everyone! Not a lot to say today, this week was pretty chill. Training is pretty fun when you have a super cool trainee haha. We took sister Lawson to sunset cliffs on her first night here and ran into a guy who seemed interested in our church at first and started asking us all these questions, but it turns out he just wanted to bible bash. We ran into some of the other brand new sisters there too so it was pretty much 1 v 9 lol. Baptism by fire for them!!

The ward we're in now is super nice and they're trying to involve us more and even trying to set up member meals for us!! It's kind of sad to attend church as a missionary and not really even be part of the ward in any way, so it's made me really appreciate those small efforts :,) 

Today we took the old town trolley tour, so that was pretty fun to get out and see parts of San Diego I haven't really seen yet! 

That's pretty much it for me haha not a ton of exciting things happened but here are some cool pictures 
Love you all, Sister Anderson :) 

Sunset cliffs 

Cute little van that sells flowers, we pass it on the way home every day it's so cute 

Celebrating Shell's 21st birthday!! 

Sister Shell and I switched dresses hehe

Trolley tour!

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