Hey guys!! I hope everyone has had a good week
We lost many loved ones this week. We had our last classes on Saturday and had to say goodbye to our 8 beloved elders over the past three days, which really sucked because we have become like a little family over the past few weeks. They'll all be amazing missionaries though and I wish them the best of luck out in the real world. We also lost one of our hermanas, she got the flu and is now in isolation so we adopted her companion and we're now a trio. Pretty much everyone else in the MTC left this week and it felt eerily empty for a couple days. Even the weather was sad! Pretty much as soon as they left it started snowing (which was actually really exciting for me lol) but it was gloomy and it started affecting our mood haha 

We started our historic site training this week! All the sisters in our class are either going to the Mormon Trail historic sites in Iowa/Nebraska or the Mormon Battalion with us. It's been kind of hard actually. A lot of the information we've been learning about for giving tours doesn't really pertain to us because our site is so scripted, so we don't have the creative liberty of adjusting our tours. But, we've been giving tours of the gorgeous murals in our building and that's been okay. We're learning the script slowly but surely and we're getting excited to get out there and learn how to do it for real.
We were feeling super down for a couple days and it was just hard, but we realized that we hadn't opened our scriptures at all this week! We just don't ever talk about doctrine in our historic site classes and it has definitely made a difference in how we feel. So, we decided to read a couple chapters of the Book of Mormon together as a trio and it instantly made everything better. We read in 2 Nephi 4 about how God is the rock of our salvation and it's so true! The scriptures have been my constant with everything changing and I'm learning how to rely on the word of God when life gets hard.
2 Nephi 4:20 - My God hath been my support; he hath led me in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.
I forget what day this happened because all the days blend together but we heard fireworks from BYU one night and ran to go see them! We had a perfect view through the trees from where we were at and we watched them for about 10 minutes. Definitely a highlight of my week.
Anyway sorry this was a long one and also kind of boring lol but I hope you all had a good week and have an amazing sabbath celebrating our Savior this week!

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