Hey everyone, the last few weeks have been incredible! We are finding so many people to teach, and the Lord is entrusting us with people who are so prepared! It's amazing!
One of the miracles we saw yesterday was this lady named Anne! She was talking to my companion on social media about her family history- she's adopted and wants to find out more about her birth parents. Yesterday, we went over and talked to her, got some more information from her, then went to work to find her records of her parents! We ended up finding both her birth parents, grandparents, and so many of her full siblings!! It was so exciting, because she didn't know hardly anything about these people before, but we were able to connect her to her family, which meant so much to her!!
We are also working on 'Family History for Dummies: for Missionaries' lol which is a comprehensive guide of how to use the family search app, so that all our missionaries can feel comfortable doing their own family history, and be prepared to help other people, just like we helped Anne! It's a lot of work, but it's a good project to work on in our free time:)
This was my favorite miracle of the week: so for some backstory, in my last transfer at the mobat, President Top challenged us to mark up a Book of Mormon with our favorite scriptures about Christ, write our testimony in it, and then give it to someone really special we meet before we left the site. Well, I marked it up and everything, but never ended up giving it to anyone before I left San Diego. I was kind of discouraged about it, but I was determined to still find someone to give it to. It was sitting in my suitcase for a while, but I had a prompting to pull it out and leave it in our car for when I needed it. Yesterday, we went to a members house that we go to every week, and they have an 11 year old niece who is staying with them who really wants to get baptized and learn more about Jesus. We started teaching her, and even though she lives in Vegas and won't be able to get baptized here, we are going to start teaching her every week. We went to our car to get a Book of Mormon for her, and I had my special copy to give her!! I was so happy I finally have someone to give it to, and I really hope my markings are meaningful to her, and that she finds her own verses that will have meaning to her too. We talk a lot about how people are prepared to hear and receive the gospel, and I think Heavenly Father prepared that special copy of the Book of Mormon just for Emily. It just makes my heart so happy!! I love being a part of this work

We have seen lots of miracles, and we know there are many more to come!! One of the biggest things I've learned this transfer is how to really receive revelation for my area. It really is the Lord's work, and it's sooo much better when you do it His way:)
Anyway, I love it here in California! It's actually been super overcast and chilly for the past couple months, so it doesn't really feel like summer yet haha. But its okay, I love sweater weather. I love being a missionary, and I love the gospel of Jesus Christ!! Have a fantastic week everyone:))

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