So most of our lessons actually fell through this week, and a lot of our friends are being fake and not getting back to us. BUT as always, we still saw some miracles.
This week we had exchanges, so I got to lead the area and work with Hermana Amèzquita for the day (SO hype). We had a lesson with our friend Britt and her son Noah. We taught her the restoration and then PUT HER ON DATE FOR BAPTISM!!!! I can't describe the joy that is felt in moments like that as a missionary. It's just so happy watching people commit to doing something that brings you personally so much joy, and you know it will bless them. We are also planning on extending a baptismal date to our friend Jessica this week. We've been working with her for a while and we finally feel like she's ready! She has come so far and is basically already there, she just has a hard time committing, so everyone please pray for her!
We have been sharing special Christmas messages with a ton of people, and most of the time, we share this video that depicts the birth of Christ. I've seen it so many times but I still love it so much. And a new part stands out to me every time, so I feel like I've come to know this story on a way deeper level because of it. If you haven't seen this video, or if you have, take 18 minutes out of your day to watch it. I promise you will feel the Spirit:) AND for bonus points, you can share it/watch it with a friend!
Being a missionary during Christmas is the coolest thing ever. Hearts are softened and opened to us that normally wouldn't be and its so amazing to see the Lord's hand orchestrating everything <3
Also, here is my address for letters. I know missionaries addresses usually change all the time, but our mail here gets sent to the mission office first, so it will always be the same! 

2500 N Bristol St Santa Ana, CA 92706
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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