So most of our lessons actually fell through this week, and a lot of our friends are being fake and not getting back to us. BUT as always, we still saw some miracles.

So most of our lessons actually fell through this week, and a lot of our friends are being fake and not getting back to us. BUT as always, we still saw some miracles.
The past couple weeks have been so great! We have had this Christmas festival called the Crèche going on at our church building all weekend and its been a lot of fun to help out with that!
I've been called as my zone's family history rep, which is ironic because I had no idea how to do family history two weeks ago. BUT my testimony of it and love for it have grown so much as I've learned how to do different things and learned more about my family! It's truly an incredible tool and we're so lucky to have it. I encourage you all to go look at your family tree and see if you can learn something new about your ancestors! (I promise you'll find something interesting in 3 minutes, it's that easy)
We got to go to the LA temple to see the Christmas lights with our ward! It is such a huge and beautiful temple I can't wait to go inside someday!
Story time!
So on Thanksgiving, we were supposed to go to this members house to eat. We talked to him at church, he said there would be a ton of people there, and he told us to come at 2 pm. So we show up at 2 pm, and he lets us in! Then he starts asking us if we have a place to eat and invites us to eat with him and his two family members that were home. We thought he was kidding. We started teaching his inactive son and 45 minutes later when the dinner was ready, we finally realized that we were at the wrong house 🤦♀️🤦♀️ we mixed up these two old geezers in our bishopric and I still can't get over how embarrassing it was hahahah. They were both so nice about it but it was pretty unfortunate and funny
We had a sisters devotional this week and someone mentioned looking for little "love notes from God" every day to see how much He is aware of you. I love that idea! If you ever need a reminder of how much God loves you, just look for those little moments everyday, they're there I promise :)
No time this week but lots of fun pictures! Have a great week everyone!
❤️Sister Anderson