Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a good week. We were able to meet so many cool people this week!
This man in the ward we go to, named Steve, is super enthusiastic about missionary work and he has just made bringing people to Christ his goal in life, it's so awesome. We ran into him a couple times this week and he actually came through the tour with his little granddaughter who isn't a member. When the tour was over she asked if she could do it again haha. So cute.
On Saturday we got to sit outside the temple all day! It's honestly so sad to tell people that they can't go inside. They just come to the temple because it looks cool and they know nothing about it but then they ask if they can see the inside and we have to tell them no. Kinda breaks my heart tbh because I wish they could. But it meant we got to explain why temples are so special and sacred to us and show them some pictures of the inside. There were a few weddings in the morning so we got to see all the pretty brides and their fun bridal parties and everything, which made me so happy. Then the McCartneys took us out to Canes (this ones for you elder santana) and to their sealing session. We were able to help them with some of their daughter names and it was awesome because I love doing proxy sealings and it's something I thought I wasn't going to be able to do for a year and a half. I <3 the temple.
I've been reading the Book of Mormon a lot this week, mostly in the end of 1 Nephi and beginning of 2 Nephi. I love reading the scriptures and I'm convinced I could read the Book of Mormon 1000 times and still find more things to love or understand better.
That's about it for my week! I'm headed to the beach for beach day
(isn't my mission just the coolest?? I'm so lucky) Have a good week everyone!
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