Hey everyone! This week was honestly pretty average but here are a couple cool things that happened:
- Sister Kirkman and I got asked to make hardtack (a hard biscuit-like cracker that's made out of just flour, water, and sometimes a little bit of salt, if you're lucky ;)) and it was actually super fun and didn't taste too bad either haha
- Went to chick fil a and for the first time in a couple months so that was nice
- I find so many cool things on the gospel library app every day; this week I found an hour long documentary-style video about President Monson's life and service in the church (10/10), as well as a gospel library app for kids that has coloring pages! I've been spending too much time on it lol
- We went to Balboa park for comp study, and now it's my new favorite place. It's so pretty and there are tons of cool things to see! Pictures included ofc
- Two of my aunts came in this week with their families! I got to see my aunt Monique, and my great aunt Lorie, which was so fun. I love getting to show people I know the kind of missionary work I do every day :)
- Fun fact: today is Brigham Young's birthday, so of course we had a birthday party for him! He was the prophet at the time of the Mormon Battalion and convinced the men to enlist so he's like an extra celebrity around here haha
- and most importantly:
We had transfers yesterday!! I'm officially out of training and got put in a trio with Sister Sedgwick and Hermana Yin, which no one saw coming lol but it's super lit. Sedgwick is super fun and outgoing, and Yin is the sweetest person you'll ever meet. I think it's going to be a really fun transfer!! I think all three of us are a little ditsy and/or slow so it's a good thing we've got three of us lol. We already got locked out of our apartment last night hahaha so hopefully we survive out here.
Things are starting to pick up over here now that everyone is getting out of school for the summer! It gets crazyyy when we're busy but I'm also so happy that so many people are getting to come in to take the tour! Have a good week everyone!