This week was so good! We got to go to BRITT'S BAPTISM!! It was the happiest day ever. Sister Langi and I got to be witnesses for her, and it was so special to see her take this next step towards Christ. I am so grateful I got to be a part of her story!! Plus it was super fun to be back in huntington beach and see a bunch of my favorite MSA members and missionaries I used to serve with:) There is so much JOY in helping people come closer to Christ!
It's been raining pretty much non-stop here, so I've just gotten used to coming home completely drenched every night haha fun memories
We have been teaching this cute old lady named Ellen, whose grandson joined the church a few years ago, but hasn't been super active since. They both have so much faith, and a strong belief in God and the Bible that we can build off and add restored truth to. They are so sweet and I really enjoy teaching them. Her grandson Elijah joined the church because he had a friend who was strong in the church, and his family does all they can to just be Christlike and kind to him. You never know the impact that your example can have on someone, even if you're just in high school. The Light of Christ is contagious!
We also did so much service this week!! I looove doing service so getting to help people move, give out food to people in need, and even deep clean church bathrooms makes me so happy hahaha
Quote of the week: "I would say have a great day, but have a great life"

Britt's baptism!! YAY!
Service with my fav sisters
Exchanges with Hermana Votaw!
Ellen & Elijah <3
The Cypress Zoneeee