Hello everyone! Sending this a day late from the mobat computer because I dropped my phone in the ocean
at beach day yesterday lol. BUT as of today, I have officially been a missionary for 6 months!! It's wild to think about how I'm already 1/3 of the way through because it feels like I just started, but I've learned and grown so much in the last six months and I'm so grateful for all of the wonderful experiences I've been able to have so far!!
- We had a couple days of rain! I've been seriously missing the AZ monsoons, and this was the first time it's rained in the 5 months I've been in San Diego so I know it's such a small thing but Heavenly Father is aware of us and what we want!
- We met the coolest couple at the temple - the guy was an inactive member who wanted to come back to church eventually, and his girlfriend was curious about our church. So we got to talk to them about the temple a little bit and the look in her eyes when we talked about the spirit world and the opportunity that everyone will have to get a second chance and to hear the gospel after this life really touched me. She started crying as she told us that she works in hospice and has always felt this pull from people at the end of their lives that they just want to go home and this idea of life and second chances after death made so much more sense to her than the religion she grew up in that she's never really understood. We gave her her own book of Mormon, which I know contains the answers to those questions of the soul like she needed. We also referred them to missionaries in the Arcadia mission and I'm praying that they'll have a good experience with those missionaries because I know the gospel can bless their life in sooo many ways
- I got to see my mom! I had some family members come into town this weekend and I got to give them a tour, which was super fun (pictures included) and I also got to see the Mortensens! I feel so blessed to be at a place where I can show people I love the kind of missionary work I get to do every day :)

I have two weeks left here before I head up north so I'm soaking it all up and getting excited for what's to come! I love you all and I'm praying for you! Here's to another great six months!